This is the one and only Puffit vaporizer in the video above. If you watch the video, you can get a good idea of how it works and what I think about it but I won't leave you with just a video. I'm going to explain it a bit in detail to you all right now. The deal with this thing is that it cycles, which means it runs through temperature cycling that prevents you from taking draw after draw after draw without pausing in between at least some of those draws. This is similar to how a lot of e-cigs operate with their pausing. Just like with an electronic cigarette, the light begins to flash quickly or blink when you have to take a break. That's not the case with all e-cigs, but you get the reference, I'm sure.

The reason why I think this one is popular is pretty much just because it looks like an inhaler. I think this blue one in the video above is really the one that people are after because it looks most like a real inhaler. Whoever saw a black inhaler? Not me, but, a blue one? Of course I've seen one of those. That's what I think draws people to this one and realizing that it's portable and not that expensive, some people actually buy it. I'm not going to tell you to buy it or not buy it, I'm just going to say that you can learn more about the Puffit by reading these vaporizer reviews. Those Puffit portable vaporizer reviews should give you an idea of what to expect were you to get one. At least, I think they will. Also, I say this a lot, but this all just my opinion so make sure you do read some other reviews because that'd be the smart thing to do.

So back to this vape, it runs on battery power which you juice up using the USB charging cord. This is cool for a lot of you, I'm sure, because you have USB adapters in your cars and ports on your computer so it's more convenient than it might seem at first.

Temperatures: there's lots of them. There's a wheel you spin on the side but you have to pull the mouthpiece off to get at it. Not a problem but I've definitely broken a mouthpiece pulling it off to change the temperature while testing. That's not to say that it happens a lot, just that it has for me. No big deal though because it comes with extra mouthpieces. Good call on that one Discreet Vape.

So there was an old one that just had the internal stirring inside the cap and then there's the new one that has the vapor enhancement thingy that looks like a spring used to push the blend down so that it's more evenly heated by the heating element.

That does it for this Puffit vaporizer review because it's getting late and I still have some more videos to share! I might not get to it tonight because of how late it already is but I'll try to see if I can muster the energy. I definitely need to stop typing this post so I'm going to do that now lol. Oh, don't forget to follow me on Twitter if you happen to have one of those too because I'm on there!

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