Above you have me in my Grateful Dead shirt reviewing the Ascent vaporizer by DaVinci that VapeForest.com hooked me up with and this is my final video so I hope you enjoy watching it. If you couldn't tell by now, I've used a lot of vaporizers. Many of which have been portables. This is one of the best portable vaporizers I've used and so I really wanted to share it with all of you. It's a good one. They've taken the time to change some things around before releasing the final version. While I'm writing this, the Ascents aren't even out yet. They're coming out soon and might very well be available by the time you read this or watch the video but like I said, they're not out as of right now (the time which I published this on my Weebly blog). So anyways, let me tell you what makes this thing special.

It has has the ability to vape liquids and dry blends. Just use the glass oil jars to vaporize liquids. It's a handheld vaporizer with no cords which is why it's "portable." It has glass throughout the entire path which the vapor travels. This is clutch because it means that you won't be vaporizing off any weird materials and your vapor won't be distorted by anything strange. That's the idea anyways.

Just my opinion on this, but this is a really nice unit. I'm impressed with it. The battery comes in at 3-4 hours of use and that's plenty in my opinion. I mean, I don't even have to recharge it more than once every couple of days because it easily lasts an entire day and then some for me. Then again, I'm not constantly vaporizing but hey, that's just me. You might use it more frequently and actually have to recharge it more than as often as I've been, but all the same, it's a good amount of time in my opinion. Temperature wise it goes all the way up to 430F which is really pretty hot and works well with liquid blends (I like to vape those on higher temperatures).

I like the way you can set the stages with the temperature. You can set it to 390 and tell it to hold for a minute, then jump to 410 and tell it to hold for two minutes, and then finally jump to 430 and hold that for a minute. You can change the numbers around but you only have 3 intervals to set. Works very well when programmed appropriately.

Good gizmo and definitely going to be a hot item for 2013. Can't wait to see these on the market because I'm sure a lot of you are going to really dig these things. Good job DaVinci vaporizers and thanks again to Vape Forest for getting this Ascent vape into my hands so that I could review it and share my thoughts with everyone. To see their review, check it out at:

This is my last blog post on here until I get my hands on some more vapes to review. To all of you reading, be safe and take care of yourselves. One love.
Okay so I shared my VaporBlunt 2.0 video and now I'm down to my last video. This has literally taken me two days to share all of my videos here on Weebly and that's a long time in my opinion. It's not like I spent all day doing this, but all the same, it's taken a couple of days for me to share all of these vaporizing videos.

This next video is probably the best one yet. It shows a new vaporizer that hasn't come out yet and I'm glad that I got a chance to check this one out thanks to Vape Forest. Thanks again guys for hooking it up.

If you're interested in seeing what this brand new vape can do, you'll definitely want to stick around and wait for me to share my final video! I'm going to get on it right now so you won't have
This is a pretty epic idea for a portable vaporizer. Combine a water filter with a portable for water-filtered vapor? Sounds like a great idea but you'll have to watch my video to find out just how well I think VaporBlunt Inc. pulled it off with their Vapor Blunt 2.0 DLX. The DLX stands for Deluxe and that's the water filtered version. You can get the normal, non-deluxe version, and then buy one of the HydroTubes for it and you've got yourself a DLX. That's the difference.

This has 5 temperature settings and it lighting system that tells you which of the five settings you're on. There are different modes you can use this in, in a sense. There's the portable vape with no water-filter mode which uses the internal stirring adapter to stir the blend without opening the lid to the heating chamber. There's the liquid vaporizer mode. There's HydroTube mode. You can use the HydroTube (this is the water filter) in any of the modes but you lose the internal stirring thing when you use it.

If you didn't get the point from what I just said, this is very versatile. It does liquids and dry blends and it has a water-filter attachment. When you're using it with the water filter, you can use the stand that it comes with so that it sits upright on a flat surface.

After you've watched my video, check this out and see if your remaining questions are answered by that Vapor Blunt 2 review on VapeForest.com because I think you can definitely learn a thing or two from it.
This is the one and only Puffit vaporizer in the video above. If you watch the video, you can get a good idea of how it works and what I think about it but I won't leave you with just a video. I'm going to explain it a bit in detail to you all right now. The deal with this thing is that it cycles, which means it runs through temperature cycling that prevents you from taking draw after draw after draw without pausing in between at least some of those draws. This is similar to how a lot of e-cigs operate with their pausing. Just like with an electronic cigarette, the light begins to flash quickly or blink when you have to take a break. That's not the case with all e-cigs, but you get the reference, I'm sure.

The reason why I think this one is popular is pretty much just because it looks like an inhaler. I think this blue one in the video above is really the one that people are after because it looks most like a real inhaler. Whoever saw a black inhaler? Not me, but, a blue one? Of course I've seen one of those. That's what I think draws people to this one and realizing that it's portable and not that expensive, some people actually buy it. I'm not going to tell you to buy it or not buy it, I'm just going to say that you can learn more about the Puffit by reading these vaporizer reviews. Those Puffit portable vaporizer reviews should give you an idea of what to expect were you to get one. At least, I think they will. Also, I say this a lot, but this all just my opinion so make sure you do read some other reviews because that'd be the smart thing to do.

So back to this vape, it runs on battery power which you juice up using the USB charging cord. This is cool for a lot of you, I'm sure, because you have USB adapters in your cars and ports on your computer so it's more convenient than it might seem at first.

Temperatures: there's lots of them. There's a wheel you spin on the side but you have to pull the mouthpiece off to get at it. Not a problem but I've definitely broken a mouthpiece pulling it off to change the temperature while testing. That's not to say that it happens a lot, just that it has for me. No big deal though because it comes with extra mouthpieces. Good call on that one Discreet Vape.

So there was an old one that just had the internal stirring inside the cap and then there's the new one that has the vapor enhancement thingy that looks like a spring used to push the blend down so that it's more evenly heated by the heating element.

That does it for this Puffit vaporizer review because it's getting late and I still have some more videos to share! I might not get to it tonight because of how late it already is but I'll try to see if I can muster the energy. I definitely need to stop typing this post so I'm going to do that now lol. Oh, don't forget to follow me on Twitter if you happen to have one of those too because I'm on there!
I really don't have much more to go. I've almost got all of my videos shared here on my Weebly blog and that's great because I've been working on this blog pretty much all day. I can't believe how easy it is to create a website on here. I'm really impressed with what weebly.com has managed to pull off when it comes to their website building interface. Really-really easy to add videos and whatever else I want to add. I really haven't played with it too much but I might at some point. There's a ton of options and that's pretty much the only reason I haven't gotten too deep into it. Anyways, I'm going to see what video I should share next and get on that.
Above you can see me wearing one of my Phish t-shirts while talking about the Pax vaporizer. I feel like the purple Pax matches my shirt pretty well but that aside, let me tell you about this vape. When I first saw this thing I was like "oh my God, I have to have one of those!" and so I got my friends over at VapeForest.com to hook me up and what I found was that it got dirty pretty quick and needed to be cleaned often. I didn't want to clean it all that much so I got the lubricant that they make for it and used that. It worked great. The only problem with that is that the lube costs money and I don't like having to pay for it every time I want to use it so it's a weird tradeoff where I've either got to clean it nice and good or use the lube. Watch the video to see exactly what I think about it or continue reading to get an idea of what's up with this thing.

It comes in a total of 4 different colors. This one, the purple one, looks the best in my opinion but everyone has got their opinions. This is one of those vapes that you can hold in one hand and then stuff in your pocket later. It's got no cords and you just toss it on its charging station to recharge the battery. I like battery powered ones more than butane as a rule of thumb and so it's nice knowing that this is powered by a lithium ion battery. That's just me though, everyone has their preferences.

It has less temperatures than colors by which I mean it only has 3 and while you might not think that's enough, it really is in my opinion. It just has a low, medium, and high setting. That's it. You just remove the mouthpiece and press one button to change the temperature so it's nothing complicated. All in all, this is actually one of the easiest ones to figure out and one of the easiest to use. To get it going, you just click the mouthpiece and it pops right out and starts the warming up process.

For information on the exact temperatures that this thing offers, how long the battery lasts, and all that kind of information, just check out this Pax vaporizer review so that I don't have to babble on and on about how this portable vape by Ploom works because I don't even know those details to be honest. I'd have to look them up and right now I'm just too lazy for that so I told you what I could off of the top of my head. Wish I could say my memory was better, but it's not haha. That's the end of this review. Onto the next!
Palm vaporizer right here and by right here I do mean in the video above that I created. This is a cheap little vaporizer that you could easily stuff in your pocket but I'm not so sure I would want to based on my experience using it. Remember, this is just my opinion and while I might not be super duper into this one, you might be so don't just take what I'm saying as the end all conclusion on whether this one is worth using or not. I'm just going to tell you a little about it real quick because I know a bit.

It's one that runs on battery power and in particular it's using a single AA battery at a time to power itself and that's apparently the same concept as some of the other portables like MFLBs. The area that you load up is a decent size in my opinion and there's a lid to keep your blend from spilling were there a gust of wind or an accident. That's a good idea for the most part I would think. It's clear so you can see what's going on while you're using it. You can pretty much see the vapor because the materials used in the vapor path are transparent.

If you want color options, you've got them. This one has a bunch of silly colors that it comes in. The one thing that I almost forgot to say which is probably the most important factor (just kidding, I don't think it matters much) is the flavored mouthpiece tips. You can get different flavors and that's kind of a cool idea to some I'm sure. I don't really care for that part of it much but it's all the same, it's an option. There's a lot to say about the Palm vaporizer but I'd rather you just read the Palm vaporizer reviews @ Vape Forest than continue writing about it right now because I believe I've said enough to give you a good idea and what I left out, you can always read at Vape Forest where there's a nice long review with all the technical details for you to sift through.
Somehow, I need to get my hands on a Wispr 2 to review. Those things look pretty cool and I wonder how well they really work. Very curious. Not going to plan on getting one anytime soon but there's always a chance one will magically appear. That said, I'm going to go see which videos of mine I haven't share
Above you can see my Hammer vaporizer review. I'm not going to type much right now because I think the video summarizes how I feel about it. I think it's worth me saying that this is my opinion (obviously, right?) and so are all of these video reviews and everything you see written here on this page. That's about all I have to say about this vape.

Well, I retract my last statement. I'm going to tell you a little bit about this. For instance, this runs on butane. Isn't that interesting? You know what else runs on butane? The Iolite vaporizers like the Classic Iolite, Wispr, and Wispr 2. The Wispr 2, by the way, is the new version of the Wispr vaporizer. Sounds interesting but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Well, seeing as I want to share the rest of my videos on here before the night is over, I'm just going to end this abruptly.

Read more vaporizer reviews at reviewsofvaporizers.com
Extreme Q is that one of a kind vaporizer with a remote control, bags, and whips. That's right, I said it has a remote control. What do you think happens with that? Well, obviously you use it to adjust basically everything on the vape from the power being on or off to the fan speed and temperature. There's even little preset buttons for preset temperatures that you can activate by simply pressing a button on the remote. That's a really cool idea, having a remote. I'm surprised more vaporizer manufacturers haven't thought of it yet. That's just one of the reasons this is cool. A more important reasons is the vapor. The price is another variable that's left to consideration and when we look at that factor on this one, it doesn't look that bad. It's not the cheapest vape, but it is priced reasonably compared to the others (especially for everything it can do).

With this you have a display that shows you everything that's going on from the fan speed to the temperature. You can set the temperature using buttons that are on the base and also switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius with a little effort. I think the one in this video is the Midnight Chrome or something like that. Meaning that the color is "midnight chrome" or whatever it's called.

What I really like about this one is that it can fill bags with vapor (which is something I really like to do) and it can deliver with the whip. Not only that, it works incredibly well with the potpourri dish when you fill it with aromatherapy blends. That's a lot of ways to vaporize, right? Definitely. It's nice to come home and just hit the remote and start up the vape and get some nice aromas in the air. This thing is just straight up convenient for a deskt

Because I'm too lazy to tell you what's up with this vape in its entirety. I'm just going to say that you should read this Extreme Q review on VapeForest.com to learn more about this interesting bag vaporizer that I really do enjoy using. They have some tips and a whole lot of information so head on over there and check out their review if you didn't learn what you want from mine. Peace.